PATRICIA NOAH – The Remarkable Story of Trevor Noah’s Mother

Patricia Noah is the mother of Trevor Noah, a highly acclaimed comedian and television host. Throughout multiple interviews with Trevor, it becomes clear that he often reflects on his mother and the profound influence she had on his upbringing. In his book, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood, he explores the extraordinary connection they share.
Patricia Noah’s personality has had a profound impact on Trevor’s journey from a young boy to becoming a highly acclaimed comedian. She displayed remarkable resilience in various roles, including secretary, bookkeeper, and store owner, which ultimately shaped her son’s character.
Patricia Noah, a hardworking woman, exemplifies the values that drive success, which have profoundly shaped Trevor’s accomplishments in the entertainment industry.
Until now, she continues to reside in Johannesburg, overseeing her various business ventures. She keeps in touch with her son Trevor, who lives in New York. This essay explores the background of a woman who had a profound impact on shaping the personality of a highly gifted person.
Keep reading to explore her life and the obstacles she encountered while raising her son, which ultimately molded him into the man he is today.
Born in a Nation Torn Apart by Strife
Patricia Noah, born in 1964 in South Africa, has a rich heritage as a member of the Xhosa community, which is part of the larger Nguni ethnic group. The primary language spoken in this village is Khosa, known for its unique click sounds. This unique characteristic sets that language apart from others. Throughout her formative years, Patricia experienced social exclusion and was entrusted to the care of her father. However, shortly after, she moved to live with her aunt in their ancestral Xhosa territory. Unfortunately, Patricia kept a significant distance from her close relatives for a period of about 12 years.

During that period, she spent her time working on the unproductive family farm with 14 other cousins. Thankfully, Patricia had the chance to receive an education at a missionary school situated in the Transkei region. At that place, she learned how to write and read in English. This particular skill has since proven to be a major advantage in shaping her future.
After finishing her missionary education, Patricia moved to Soweto and joined a secretarial institution. This was a bold and daring move, as black women faced employment restrictions as secretaries during that period. Patricia was employed at a factory close by that offered meal compensation to help support herself financially.
Later on, she secretly moved to Johannesburg. Living in Johannesburg as a person of color was prohibited due to the country’s system of institutionalized racial segregation. Thus, it is only possible to speculate about the challenges Patricia had to face during that period. Ultimately, Patricia successfully established a thriving business in the fashion industry, specializing in the production of clothing and accessories.
Raising a Child During the Era of Apartheid
Patricia Noah crossed paths with Robert Noah in Johannesburg, where they both lived in the same flat block. Despite the legal barriers to their relationship, the two of them formed a deep emotional connection and eventually had a child together. Then, Trevor showed up. Throughout Trevor’s early years, Patricia effectively protected him from public attention. She either kept him indoors for most of the time or acted as the household servant when they went out in public.
On the other hand, she would have faced a five-year prison term. As for Robert, he seemed quite concerned about the possible consequences. As a result, he took steps to create some distance to protect his family’s well-being. Later on, Robert had a change of heart and came up with a plan to meet up with his son. They would meet in the park late at night and spend some valuable time together. However, as Trevor started recognizing his father and calling him “daddy,” the situation became a bit challenging.

Patricia’s strict parenting approach could be understood by considering the challenging circumstances in which Trevor was raised. Patricia’s firmness with Trevor stemmed from her deep desire to protect him from the numerous challenges and restrictions that defined apartheid-era South Africa. With a focus on discipline and instilling strong moral values, Patricia equipped her son with the essential skills to navigate the complexities of race and overcome the challenges that he would inevitably face in society.
Despite the occasional challenges, her firmness ultimately showcased her profound love and commitment to Trevor’s well-being and future accomplishments. Patricia, as Trevor’s mother, was unwavering in her commitment to ensure he had the best possible quality of life, despite their financial circumstances. As a result, she taught him in English, which became his main language, and encouraged him to read non-stop. However, from her perspective, this encouragement was seen as physical punishment disguised as intense affection.
Furthermore, she was a deeply religious and introverted woman who would join Trevor in visiting three different churches every Sunday. Trevor and Patricia moved to the suburban area of Eden Park when Trevor was young. Later on, they moved to the mostly white suburbs of Highland North, where they discovered that they were the only black residents, aside from the domestic workers employed by the white families. After the apartheid era ended, thanks to the efforts of Nelson Mandela, Trevor pursued his passion for humor. Later on, he became well-known as a prominent stand-up comedian in South Africa and received worldwide recognition.
A Terrifying Incident of Domestic Violence
Eventually, Patricia Noah came across Ngisaveni Abel Shingange. The couple got married, beginning a new chapter of mistreatment in Patricia’s and Trevor’s life. Concerning Robert, he moved away and unfortunately, lost contact with the family for a long period of time. Patricia and Abel have two sons in total. However, they later divorced, and Patricia went on to marry Sfiso Khoza. Nevertheless, the negative connection with Abel did not end with their divorce.
In 2009, Patricia fell victim to a tragic incident involving Abel Shingange. A bullet entered the base of her skull and exited, resulting in minor damage to her nostril. Patricia suffered from significant physical and emotional injuries due to this horrific act of violence. Nevertheless, her resolute resolve kept her from succumbing, and she miraculously endured a life-threatening gunshot incident. Instead, she became a source of inspiration for Trevor Noah, playing a crucial role in his drive to achieve success and make the world a better place through the power of humor.
The unfortunate incident was a distressing result of domestic violence and Abel’s ongoing struggles with substance abuse. The mounting tension within the household reached its breaking point on a fateful day when a heated argument spiraled out of control, leading to a violent incident that caused severe harm to Patricia. The family was profoundly impacted by the aftermath of this terrible incident, enduring overwhelming emotional distress and trauma that would necessitate a considerable amount of time to heal from. Trevor Noah’s experience of witnessing the aftermath of the violent act had a deep and long-lasting effect on him. It left him with emotional scars and greatly influenced his understanding of the devastating consequences of violence on both individuals and families.
This life-changing experience profoundly influenced Trevor Noah’s perspective on societal issues, including gender-based violence, spousal mistreatment, and the urgent need for a more compassionate and empathetic global community. It fueled his resolve to use his platform as a comedian and influential figure to advocate for positive change and raise awareness about the importance of ending violence against women. Trevor Noah courageously delves into this challenging phase in his life in his book Born a Crime, offering readers an authentic and heartfelt depiction of the impact of violence on families and society as a whole.
Through candidly sharing personal experiences, the speaker highlights the importance of breaking the cycle of aggression, fostering compassion and understanding, and working together as a collective to build a safer and more inclusive global community.
The Administration of Justice
The heinous act of violence perpetrated by Abel against Patricia had far-reaching consequences. Trevor passionately recounts the aftermath of the event, highlighting his mother’s fight for survival and his own intense emotional journey as he came close to losing her.
Throughout this time, the mother and boy faced difficulties with unwavering resolve, all the while enduring anguish and apprehension. Thankfully, the principles of fairness and righteousness were upheld. Abel Shingange was sentenced to three years of correctional supervision in August 2009 after confessing to a charge of attempted murder. Abel was convicted of attempted murder two years following the shooting. In 2012, he was given a three-year sentence of correctional supervision.
A Deep Bond Between a Mother and Son

The bond between Trevor Noah and his mother, Patricia, is filled with profound love, respect, and mutual admiration. Patricia’s compassionate demeanor and her knack for finding humor played a vital role in shaping Trevor’s comedic talents and unique perspective on life. Throughout his childhood in a racially divided South Africa, Trevor often turned to humor as a way to navigate the difficulties he faced. His mother played a crucial role in encouraging him to wholeheartedly embrace his talent and share it with a larger audience. Their strong friendship has not only laid the foundation for Trevor’s successful career but has also provided him with a source of strength to overcome life’s challenges.
Patricia’s Other Children
Trevor Noah stands out as the most well-known member of Patricia’s family. Nevertheless, she welcomed two more sons into the world with her former husband, Abel Shingange, who unfortunately displayed abusive behavior. These young men are known as Andrew and Isaac Shingange. Information about Patricia’s two boys is quite limited. However, it is well-known that Isaac attended Maryvale College in Johannesburg and currently shares a strong bond with his brother, Trevor Noah.
As for Andrew, he too was born and raised in Johannesburg. Presumably, he went to the same school as his sibling, Isaac. He carefully cultivates a low-key and understated public persona when it comes to his profession. However, there are rumours going around that he is currently enjoying a happy marriage and has children.
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